Last week there was a lady in my office that had a strong opinion about Medicare Advantage. She commented that there is no way she would want a Medicare Advantage plan. Okay, I am here to serve and do what the client is most comfortable with, but I had to ask why she felt this way. To which she replied, “all doctors hate Medicare Advantage plans.”

I found this to be quite interesting. We at Adams Insurance have several clients who are doctors and almost every one of them is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. Let me tell you about one. His name is Doug. He’s been a client for a long time and is also a good friend.

Doug started out on a Medigap / supplement, which I felt was an excellent choice considering his health needs at the time. Nothing major like ALS or cancer, but annoying things. After a few years in his supplement, he came to my office and said he was tired of paying a couple thousand dollars per year in premiums.  Granted, he had no copayments when he saw his doctor, but he only saw his doctor twice a year.  So, we moved him to a Medicare Advantage plan.  He’s been very happy with it and the money it has saved him.

Now someday he might say, I would be better off in a supplement, that a supplement covers his major health issues better. We’ll all reach that point someday. But statistically, he has seven to ten more years until that happens. Let’s say for example, that major health event happens in five years, and let’s say his supplement premiums never go up, he would have saved about $15,000 in the meantime. His maximum out of pocket is $3,900. FYI, supplement premiums have gone up 14% and more this yea

I get it. There are doctors that don’t like Medicare Advantage. In fact, my rheumatologist is one of those because she is required to obtain prior authorization for some of her patients. It may take a little longer than if she didn’t need that prior authorization, but personally, when I’ve needed care, I’ve never had any issue with it.  FYI, if you need a rheumatologist, mine is the best!

Now, back to the lady in my office. I clarified that not all doctors feel the same way about Advantage Plans. But if she finds peace of mind with a supplement, I would be glad to guide her in that direction. Her husband on the other hand, who is in excellent health, suggested that he’d prefer a Medicare Advantage plan. Not only would he save the premium, but he’d have additional benefits like dental, vision and an over-the-counter allowance.  I recommended they take some time to think about their options and I’m looking forward to helping them with whatever they choose.

The bottom line is, we believe insurance is about providing you with peace of mind. Whether that’s obtained with a Supplement or an Advantage Plan, we are here to help find the best fit for you.

Call Katie at 317-606-5426 to schedule an appointment.